This installment has almost everything travel related for you to plan out! I love having a good bit of detail for any major trade routes and travel routes all planned out, so that there’s nice already there routes if your characters wish to use them, or if you have them guarding caravans!
Month: December 2021
Role-Playing Game Planner Rebooted – Countries, Cities, and Towns
This time I’ll be focusing on Locations. Cities, Countries, and Towns. Most sheets have at least a small space for a map, the bigger the location the bigger the space for a map. World building is my favorite part of a campaign, and I end up having waaay too many details. I find these sheets give me just the right amount of them!
Role-Playing Game Planner Rebooted – Dungeons
*Dramatic drum roll here* And, what you’ve all been waiting for! The main point of Dungeons and Dragons tends to be the dungeon crawl! There’s maps for the whole dungeon, maps for just rooms, lists of traps. If you make your main dungeon map, then all the rooms, you can totally keep the map more hidden from your players, and they’ll have to actually explore. 🙂
Holiday Planner!
I broke down and bought the Happy Planner’s holiday planner. It’s nice, but I thought I’d rather have one set up more the way I want, and I have sections I’d like that MAMBI didn’t do for that year’s planner. I’d gotten the one with the Keepsake micro mini, and I don’t need cookie exchange stuff, or memory keeping stuff because I don’t do those. But I needed an actual party planner, and a gift planner, with a sheet for gifts I actually got for people.