I made a couple other sheets for planning out my wardrobe, and one for tracking what one has worn in a capsule setup.
I figure that if you’re here, you’re a planner, and more inserts to help keep organized are totally something you’d want to have!
I made a couple other sheets for planning out my wardrobe, and one for tracking what one has worn in a capsule setup.
I figure that if you’re here, you’re a planner, and more inserts to help keep organized are totally something you’d want to have!
I’m a terrible clothes hoarder. Like, I have clothes from when I was 21, that I barely fit in, that I keep because I always think I’ll wear it again. And when I was 21 I was in my Graveyard/Trash Goth phase, which is totally not my current aesthetic wish. (I had many phases of goth, then I just stopped caring as long as I was covered). I want to get back into having a Style, and start caring about how I dress.
I tend to forget about this blog. I get involved in something, be it crafting, playing mobile games, or watching documentaries.
I’ve been considering fast fashion, and how I rarely buy clothes. Like, I truly dislike shopping. This is due to being plus sized and rarely finding things I like that fit, and that clothing that does fit right is way expensive. I’m very low income. My ‘splurges’ tend to be sticker books, always on sale, yarn, and fabric. Things that I’ll use. Clothing is just a way to stay modest by societal standards. But I want more. I want to look nice, rather than just covered…
However, my jeans (bought by a coworker who hates trying on things in store, and hates returning things) are wearing out. I’ve had most for over 5 years now. This is years beyond their expected ‘expiration’ date.