I had a wonderful offer from a dear friend, Vittoria. She’s amazing – She knows so much about crafting medieval and renaissance clothing that it boggles my mind sometimes..
So she offered a huge deal – to teach me how to make my own garb, patterns and all, from the skin out. By hand. If I do this, by hand, and using things like linen and silk and such for all threads and fabric, she’ll help me. Amazing, right? Also, I must blog it. π
What makes it more awesome (not that much could, because WOW!!!! Learning from someone who’s a MASTER!) She also offered, if i do this project…. BEAUTIFUL fabric for the overdress… π
So, there’ll be a new page up here in a minute, the Garb of Amazing Handsewingness, to help track some of my progress.
So far – List of articles I want to make, and ordering 5 yards of white linen for the underpants! π
It will be SO AMAZINGLY FUN… π