I broke down and bought the Happy Planner’s holiday planner. It’s nice, but I thought I’d rather have one set up more the way I want, and I have sections I’d like that MAMBI didn’t do for that year’s planner. I’d gotten the one with the Keepsake micro mini, and I don’t need cookie exchange stuff, or memory keeping stuff because I don’t do those. But I needed an actual party planner, and a gift planner, with a sheet for gifts I actually got for people.
The Happy Planner
Replacement Banner Stickers!
I’ve figured out how I can make my Dashboard layout be more than just one week a month using the dashboard – Crafty Plans!
If I use the Errands section for the weekly ‘I want to get these done’ list, and the Focus section for ‘think about these crafts you want to do’, and the small daily box on the week side for ‘what I actually did this day’, then maybe I can get more planning done, and more crafting!
Social Media Planner
I need help, lol. I need help to make sure I plan out things, and make sure I get things posted. I make things pretty much weekly, and I really enjoy doing it. Some things I make for me, some for friends.
I really need to make sure to plan, and to make sure I actually post the things I make, so that even when I don’t use them, maybe someday someone will. So far this blog is an exercise in writing things for me, and making sure that I have access to these no matter where I am. Maybe someday I’ll aggressively promote this, but for now, I’ll just hope it grows a tiny bit organically. I’m working on monthly and weekly sticker batches for the new year, but those are at least a few weeks in the future. Continue reading →
Odds and Ends
The round up for the year – Random little things I’ve designed and made because this is fun, but have no real place to put them.
There’s a simple guided journal page, A page for lists if you’re a lister, a plain notes page, and a book list if you’re a reader.
A Late Christmas Present for you!
I made these about a week ago, but just after I finished and saved it, my laptop crashed. -_- It is upsetting when it does that, so I don’t usually turn it back on for a day so I don’t lose my temper and do something… Imprudent. This was meant to go out on Christmas Eve, but hay, it’s usable for next year, and maybe 2021 will be better!