I made these about a week ago, but just after I finished and saved it, my laptop crashed. -_- It is upsetting when it does that, so I don’t usually turn it back on for a day so I don’t lose my temper and do something… Imprudent. This was meant to go out on Christmas Eve, but hay, it’s usable for next year, and maybe 2021 will be better!
Sticker!! Chore Checklist
I saw a sticker I liked, in the Happy Planner household stickerbook. However, it was for daily chores and eff the daily chores routine, I don’t have kids and rarely do things need done daily. So, in order to list out the things I actually do weekly, and as a reminder to really do them, I created this sticker.
I really want to try and make more stickers designed specifically for the Mini Dashboard Layout, and Mini Monthly Layout – So many of the MAMBI official ones are for Horizontal or Vertical layouts, and while I love them and use them, sometimes it would be nice to have ones designed for my favorite planner layouts!